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IFMA's Certificate Commission Call for Nominations

May 18, 2022

The Certificate Commission is calling for nominations to fill a position(s) on the Commission. Terms are for three (3) years.

The Certificate Commission will maintain responsibility for overseeing the product development cycle in regard to the IFMA Body of Knowledge, current and future certificate-based credential programs, and programs eligible for continuing education units.

If you are interested in serving on the Certificate Commission, complete the application and submit a current resume and/or bio by Wednesday, June 1, 2022. 

The Nominating Committee will review all submissions according to the Certificate Commission Operating Rules. All applicants will be notified by end of August 2022 regarding the status of appointments.

The Certificate Commission Vision
To ensure that the International Facility Management Association’s (IFMA) professional Certificate Programs are the premier recognition of achievement for the facility management professional worldwide.

The Certificate Commission Mission
To advance the profession of facility management worldwide by enhancing and sustaining the integrity and quality of IFMA’s Certificate Programs.

Qualifications: Commissioners shall not be former members of the Certification Commission who have had access to examination material (i.e., participated in item writing for the actual exam), until such time as the current exam is retired.

Commissioners shall not be current members of other governing boards with competing interests.

Commissioners may not concurrently serve on the IFMA Board of Directors, with the exception of the Chair’s position as the liaison to the IFMA Board of Directors.

Because membership is not necessary to hold an IFMA credential and to ensure fair representation of all stakeholder groups, IFMA membership is not a requirement to hold a position as a Certificate Program Commissioner.


The Commission member composition shall include a minimum of one (1) CFM credential holder in good standing, one (1) FMP credential holder and one (1) SFP credential holder.


Commissioners shall be appointed from a variety of stakeholder groups. The organizational structure of the Commission shall enable participation and input from stakeholders and interested parties without permitting any one interest to predominate or receive favor. Stakeholder groups include facility managers working in:

  • International locations
  • Large/small metropolitan areas
  • Urban/rural areas
  • Large/small organizations
  • Public /private organizations


The Commissioners should represent as diverse a group as possible including representation by facility managers with:

  • Military experience
  • Varied educational backgrounds, i.e., engineering, architecture, business,
  • Varied facility types, i.e., hospitals, stadiums, banks, commercial, retail, academic
  • Experience in geographic areas/regions
  • Individuals with a particular interest in a specific program, subject matter experts, instructors, representatives from IFMA’s emerging leaders’ program


Commissioners shall not be current Certification Commission members. Neither shall they be former members of the Certification Commission who have had access to examination material (i.e., participated in item writing for the actual exam), until such time as the current exam is retired.