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Facility management and related industry professionals at all levels of their careers are encouraged to share their knowledge and expertise with the worldwide FM community by writing an article for IFMA’s FMJ.
IFMA’s official, open-access magazine publishes new articles weekly, with one printed issue to coincide with IFMA’s World Workplace Conference and Expo.
Follow these steps to successfully submit an article for publication in IFMA’s FMJ Magazine.
Please ensure you read all guidelines thoroughly to understand each stage. Publishing an article will take a minimum of four weeks from submission to final publication. Additional guidelines apply to the World Workplace print issue.
Want to submit content for publication, participate in research, or advertise with us? Reach out below.
Find out how you can contribute.Contact
To participate in research and surveys reach out to Nickalos Rocha
Contact IFMA’s Expos and Advertising team at or +1-713-623-4362