
FMJ Submissions

Contribute to IFMA’s FMJ magazine

Facility management and related industry professionals at all levels of their careers are encouraged to share their knowledge and expertise with the worldwide FM community by writing an article for IFMA’s FMJ.

IFMA’s official, open-access magazine publishes new articles weekly, with one printed issue to coincide with IFMA’s World Workplace Conference and Expo.


Submit an Article

Follow these steps to successfully submit an article for publication in IFMA’s FMJ Magazine.

Please ensure you read all guidelines thoroughly to understand each stage. Publishing an article will take a minimum of four weeks from submission to final publication. Additional guidelines apply to the World Workplace print issue.

Submit a Proposal or Abstract

Prepare a Written Abstract or Outline

  • This should be a brief summary or concept pitch outlining the main points and focus of your article.
  • Be clear and concise, highlighting how the article will provide value to FMJ’s global facility management audience.

Submit Your Abstract at Least Four Weeks Prior to the Desired Publication Date

  • Authors should submit their proposal/abstract online through the Proposal Submission Form.
  • Ensure you allow enough time for review and potential revisions.

Wait for Review (10 Business Days)

  • Due to high submission volume, the review of your proposal may take up to 10 business days.
  • Once reviewed, you will receive an acceptance notification or feedback.

Draft, Format and Submit Your Article

Begin Drafting Upon Proposal Acceptance

  • Originality: Your article must be original, not published elsewhere (print or electronic).
  • Non-advertorial: Avoid promoting specific products, services or companies.
  • Focus on the Global Audience: Write from an international perspective, avoiding nation-centric views.
  • Objective Style: Write in the third person (do not words like use “I,” you,” “our,” or “we”) and avoid self-quotes or co-author quotes.

Include Key Content Elements

  • Instructional Focus: Articles should guide readers on specific topics, such as how to conduct a facility audit or write a request for proposal (RFP).
  • Data-driven Insights: Use relevant statistics (e.g., cost or energy management) and provide practical, actionable insights.
  • Case Studies & Comparisons: Case studies are welcome but should remain non-promotional. Include comparisons or analyses that benefit readers.
  • Suggestions for Extra Resources: Content supporting your article such as videos, blog posts, podcasts, whitepapers and case studies are welcomed. Please provide the link to ungated, non-marketing resources.

Follow Formatting Requirements

  • Submit as a Word Document: Using the provided submission form link, upload your final draft as a Word document.
  • Word Count Required: 1,500 to 2,000 words. Articles that do not meet the minimum or exceed the maximum word count will not be accepted.
  • Attach Images and Graphs: Use the designated fields to upload supporting visuals like graphs or images. You may include up to 5 high-resolution images in a .png, .jpg, or .gif format.
  • Author Bio(s) & Headshot(s): Include the author’s bio – 2-6 sentences about their place in the built environment universe, along with links to their public LinkedIn and/or X (formerly Twitter), if they would like to include them. A hi-res headshot should also be included.

Use Clear Language and Avoid Jargon

  • Avoid complex industry jargon and use clear, accessible language.
  • Acronyms: Always spell out the first use of any acronym, followed by the acronym in parentheses.

Do Not Use “Self-Aware” Language

  • Avoid phrases such as “this article will,” or references to earlier sections or issues.

Receive Publication Notification

Automated Notification

  • Once your article is live, you’ll receive an automated email notification confirming its publication on FMJ’s website.

Submit for Special World Workplace 2025 Print Issue

IFMA’s FMJ Magazine publishes a special print edition in conjunction with IFMA’s World Workplace Conference and Expo each year. To be considered for inclusion, authors must follow these additional guidelines:

Submit Your Full Article by April 2025

  • Abstract Due Date: Submit your proposal no later than March 21, 2025, to allow for adequate time for feedback prior to composing your final article.
  • Article Due Date: Submit your completed article by April 30, 2025, to ensure eligibility for the World Workplace print issue. Submitting by April allows additional time for review and potential revisions.

Ensure Your Topic Has Broad, Global Relevance

  • Global Perspective: Choose topics that resonate with an international audience. Avoid content that is specific to a single region or industry niche.
  • Broad Themes: Ideal articles cover themes that appeal to facility management professionals globally, such as industry best practices, new technologies and operational insights that apply across borders.

Understand the Competitive Selection Process

  • Corporate Sustaining Partners

    • Limited articles will be chosen for the print edition. Submissions are carefully reviewed based on relevance, quality and applicability to World Workplace attendees. Behind the Brand features are not available for the print edition but are exclusive to the FMJ digital platform.
    • Non-Behind the Brand articles not selected for print may still be published in the digital FMJ.
  • All Other Authors

    • Approximately 20 articles will be chosen for the print edition. Submissions are carefully reviewed based on relevance, quality and applicability to World Workplace attendees.
    • Articles not selected for print may still be published in the digital FMJ.

Follow Regular Submission and Formatting Guidelines

  • Ensure that your article complies with FMJ’s standard submission guidelines (outlined in Steps 1–3 above). This includes formatting, content focus and third-person writing style.

Contact Us

Want to submit content for publication, participate in research, or advertise with us? Reach out below.


Find out how you can contribute.
Contact marketing@ifma.org


To participate in research and
surveys reach out to Nickalos Rocha


Contact IFMA’s Expos and Advertising team at expoadv@ifma.org or +1-713-623-4362