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The IFMA Fellows program offers recognition of notable achievements and contributions, but more importantly, it is a retention and ambassadorial program. Being named an IFMA Fellow is the highest honor bestowed by the association.

HISTORY: The IFMA Fellows program was established by the International Facility Management Association in 1992 to recognize distinguished members with achievements and dedication to IFMA and the facility management profession. Only 0.5 percent of the IFMA membership may hold the title of IFMA Fellow.

Christine Tobin, IFMA Fellow, is the Chair that established the program and tells new Fellows:

“Remember that becoming a Fellow is the beginning of service. You are now an official Ambassador for both IFMA and our profession. What you have done to date was simply to prepare you for what is to come.”

The first class of IFMA Fellows included founders of the association and Foundation, early leaders, FM researchers who defined the profession, luminaries, authors, industry giants and a prominent journalist/ publisher. Subsequent classes of Fellows have been equally broad and significant.

As of 2024, IFMA has recognized 137 IFMA Fellows. Of these, the Emeritus title has been confirmed for 48 who have either passed away or are no longer active due to illness or retirement. Fellow Emeritus was approved by IFMA’s Global Board of Directors in 2021. Those holding this title are not counted in the 0.5 percent, although they continue to be recognized and honored for their service to IFMA and the profession.

CHARACTERISTICS: For a volunteer professional organization to thrive, it is important to have articulate and positive individuals who are multi-faceted in demonstrating their competencies in a variety of areas. These people not only have a series of achievements but delivered a body of work that establishes balanced, respected, and smart leaders. Fellows form an elite corps of leaders, advisors and ambassadors who are frequently called upon for their unmatched knowledge of the FM profession. Collectively the Fellows represent esteemed FM professionals, distinguished authors, prolific academicians, and leading facility management visionaries. Only 0.5 percent of the IFMA membership may hold the title of IFMA Fellow.

EXPECTATIONS Because IFMA is the world's largest network of FM professionals and its recognized leader, the title IFMA Fellow is unparalleled and unmatched. Attaining the designation was purposely made rigorous as it represents the “best of the best”. A proven history of quality volunteer work for IFMA and the profession is essential. The credibility and potential for an individual to serve as an ambassador of the profession is equally if not more significant.

The cumulative impact the body of Fellows has on the profession and the association is immeasurable. The talents and contributions of Fellows are broad and extraordinary. No single activity advances an individual to being named an IFMA Fellow. Rather, a collection of substantial and sustained contributions to the association and profession is required. (A sample list is found below.)

NOMINATIONS: Fellows are added each year if the IFMA Jury of Fellows assembles a group of qualified, distinguished candidates. Photos of each Class of IFMA Fellows can be viewed through the hyperlink for each class listed to the right. A Nominating Committee (NC) consisting of 3-5 Fellows are charged each year to identify qualified individuals and may assist those wishing to nominate IFMA members to the Jury.
Nominators must request access to the nomination platform. They shall provide information about the nominee in three primary areas: Professional Experience & Accomplishments; Association Involvement; and Enriching the Profession. They are expected to provide a quality, well-written submission targeted at an executive level audience. The submission must capture the essence of the nominee’s contributions and adhere to all instructions. Details include the nominee’s degrees and certifications, work history, summaries of significant facilities-related work accomplishments, leadership, and major contributions to the profession.

Information about the nominee’s publication history, teaching and public speaking experiences and IFMA involvement must be included. Participation and leadership at any level within IFMA as well as service/ leadership to other FM related societies are key. The nominator must write and include an introductory letter and include three one-page letters of testimony by IFMA members in good standing. The authors of these testimonial letters must know the nominee well, have first-hand knowledge of his/her achievements, and provide additional insight into the nominee’s viability as a future ambassador.

To nominate an individual for the title of IFMA Fellow, the nominator shall send an email to and request access to the nomination platform. The Fellow Staff Liaison will verify the nominator (current active member) and nominee’s status and tenure (eight years of membership and service). If both meet the requirements, the Liaison will send credentials to the nominator for access to the nominator platform. The Fellows NC will be notified of the possible candidate, and they can offer assistance throughout the process.

SELECTI0N: Once nominations are submitted each year, a Jury is selected by the entire body of Fellows. It consists of three Fellows and is joined by the IFMA Chair and the President/CEO of IFMA. The Jury utilizes a standardized evaluation methodology and discussion of each candidate, with his/her evaluations is conducted to rigorously determine who is at the top of the list. Special recognition and significant awards or honors bestowed by IFMA and/or other organizations are considered. The decision of the Jury of Fellows is unanimous and final.

For additional information regarding IFMA Fellows contact:
Linda Pate
800 Gessner Road, Suite 725
Houston, Texas USA 77024

NOMINEE QUALITIES: Current Fellows have individually contributed a collection of substantial and sustained contributions to the association and profession. In no order of importance and in no way a complete list of contributions, here are some examples:

  • Outstanding leadership and service to IFMA’s Board of Directors, the IFMA Foundation Board of Trustees, a chapter, council, committee, community, or task force.
  • Expansion of recognition and influence of the facility management profession through personal facility management related achievements or recognition, such as recognition by his/her employer, customers, or other industry organizations for exemplary work.
  • Contribution to IFMA’s Certified Facility Manager, Facility Management Professional and/or Sustainability Facility Professional credential(s) and Accredited Degree Programs.
  • Development or establishment of alliances or ongoing relationships between IFMA and other facility management related professional organizations worldwide.
  • Authorship of facility management related articles or books for trade, national, or international publications.
  •  Recognition by trade or business press thus leveraging the opportunity to advance the profession or further increase awareness of the association.
  •  Establishment of a medium or publication for sharing facility management knowledge.
  •  Development of facility management related continuing education materials, promotion of facility management education, and/or service as an instructor for facility management related programs on a college or university level.
  •  Qualification as an IFMA instructor in education programs and courses.
  •  Creation of ground-breaking facility management research.
  •  Formation and support of IFMA components using complementary personal/company resources.
  •  Service in leadership roles within other facility management related associations.
  •  Mentoring students or young facility management professionals.
  •  Substantial engagement with governmental and other influential community leaders to place the importance of the built environment at the forefront of consideration.
  •  Development of goods or services that changed the shape of the industry.


Class of 2024

Joseph M. "Matt" Dawson, IFMA Fellow
Kate North, IFMA Fellow
Wayne Whitzell, CFM, FMP, SFP, LEED AP, BEP, GBO, IFMA Fellow

Class of 2023 Debbie Jaslow Shatz, CFM, LEED AP, IFMA Fellow
Marshall MacFarlane, IFMA Fellow
Paul Ratkovic, CFM, FMP, IFMA Fellow
Class of 2022 Michel Theriault, FMP, RPA, LEED AP, IFMA Fellow
Lesley Groff, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Tony Khoo, CFM, FMP, IFMA Fellow
Lynn Baez, CFM, SFP, FMP, CBCP, IFMA Fellow
Class of 2021 Trudy Blight, CFM, FMP, SFP, BID, PIDIM, PMP, IFMA Fellow
Steven Ee, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Erik Jaspers, IFMA Fellow
Darin Rose, CFM, SFP, GGP, CRFP, IFMA Fellow
Lena Thompson, FMP, SFP, IFMA Fellow
Graham Tier, FMP, CFM, MRICS, PMP, IFMA Fellow
Class of 2020 Diane Coles Levine, MCR, IFMA Fellow
Geoff Williams, CFM, FMP, SFP, IFMA Fellow
Kenneth FOO Yew Hoong, Beng (Hons), GDipM, IFMA Fellow
Valerian Moraes, CFM, MBA, Assoc. RICS, IFMA Fellow
Class of 2019 Johnny Vinken, M. Eng., CFM, FMP, SFP, CET, CRSP, CEM, IFMA Fellow
Michael Ross Riseborough, RPA, FMA, AAE, FMP, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Ted Ritter, CBD, PMP, LEED AP, IFMA Fellow
Class of 2018 Stephen Ballesty, CFM, MBA, FRICS, FAIQS, ICECA, CQS, IFMA Fellow
Jeffrey Jie-Li Budimulia, CFM, MBA, IFMA Fellow
Paul Doherty, R.A., CDT, IFMA Fellow
Joachim W. Hohmann, CFM, M.Sc., Ph.D., IFMA Fellow
Class of 2017 Collins Osayamwen, CFM, FMP, IFMA Fellow (Deceased)
Rick Corea, IFMA Fellow
James P. Whittaker, P.E., CFM, CEFP, FRICS, IFMA Fellow
Class of 2016 David (Dave) Wilson, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Jon Seller, IFMA Fellow
Stephen Ola Jagun, CFM, FRICS, FNIVS, IFMA Fellow
Peter Ankerstjerne, MBA, COP, FRICS, IFMA Fellow
Class of 2015 Howard K. "Buck" Fisher, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Marc S. Liciardello, CFM, MBA, CM, IFMA Fellow
Steve Lockwood, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Class of 2014 Alana F. Dunoff, FMP, IFMA Fellow
John McGee, IFMA Fellow
Melissa Van Hagan, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Class of 2013 Francis J. Kuhn, CFM, CFMJ, IFMA Fellow
Thomas L. Mitchell, Jr., CFM, CFMJ, IFMA Fellow
Curtis L. Slife, CFM, NCARB, AIA, IFMA Fellow
Ondrej Strup, IFMA Fellow
Class of 2012

Prof. (FH) Dr. Thomas Madritsch, IFMA Fellow
Pat Turnbull, MA, LEED AP®, IFMA Fellow
Dean T. Kashiwagi, PhD, PE, Professor, IFMA Fellow
Helena Ohlsson, IFMA Fellow, CFM, MScArch, IFMA Fellow

Class of 2011

Alex K. Lam, MRAIC, IFMA Fellow
Mark R. Sekula, CFM, LEED AP®, IFMA Fellow
Peter M. Winters, CFM, CFMJ, FAIA, IFMA Fellow

Class of 2010

Gary P. Broersma, CFM, IFMA Fellow (deceased)
Charles N. Claar, P.E., CFM, CFMJ, IFMA Fellow (deceased)
Patrick Okamura, CFM, CCS, CIAQM, LEED AP®, IFMA Fellow

Class of 2009

Oscar K. C. Chan, Ph.D., MA, CFM, CFMJ, FPFM, MCILT, IFMA Fellow (deceased)
Andy Fuhrman, ICBO, IFMA Fellow
John E. (Jack) Grinnalds, CFM, AIA, IFMA Fellow
Teena G. Shouse, CFM, IFMA Fellow

Class of 2008

Bruce Kenneth Forbes, IFMA Fellow (deceased)
Jon Eldon Martens, CFM, CFMJ, IFMA Fellow
W. Kirtley (Kirt) Miller Jr., CFM, IFMA Fellow
Michael K. Schley, IFMA Fellow

Class of 2007

William T. Conley, CFM, CFMJ, LEED® AP, IFMA Fellow
Diane H. MacKnight, CFM, FRICS, IFMA Fellow
Kathy O. Roper, CFM, CFMJ, MCR, LEED® AP, IFMA Fellow
Sheila Sheridan, CFM, CPM, LEED® AP, IFMA Fellow

Class of 2006

John M. Carrillo, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Sharon B. Harrington, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Ira A. Marcus, CFM, IFMA Fellow 
Richard D. Pierce, CFM, IFMA Fellow (deceased)
Albert MM Pilger, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Cheryl Waybright, CFM, CFMJ, MCR, FMA, RPA, RID, IFMA Fellow

Class of 2005

Jeffrey L. Campbell, Ph.D., IFMA Fellow
Christopher P. Hodges, P.E., CFM, IFMA Fellow
Guy Thatcher, CMC, IFMA Fellow
Meredith Thatcher, CFM, LEED® AP, IFMA Fellow
Frederick P. Weiss, CFM, IFMA Fellow

Class of 2004

Lanny I. Felder, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Jaan Meri, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Philip N. Roberts, RIBA, AAIA, IFMA Fellow

Class of 2003

Dr. Doug Aldrich, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Joanne M. Anderson, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Jennifer A. Corbett-Shramo, IFMA Fellow
Richard Fanelli, CFM, AIA, IFMA Fellow
Patricia J. Harris, CFM, IFMA Fellow (deceased)
Glin W. Jay, CFM, CFMJ, IFMA Fellow (deceased)
Barry Lynch, CFM, NCARB, IFMA Fellow
Andrew McCready, CFM, ACP, IFMA Fellow
John L. Stanley, CFM, CFMJ, IFMA Fellow
Eric Teicholz, IFMA Fellow

Class of 2002

Richard B. Cooper Jr., CFM, IFMA Fellow
Ted Eedson, IFMA Fellow
John D. Gilleard, Ph.D., IFMA Fellow
Michael L. Hoots, PE, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Philip Lo, IFMA Fellow
James E. Loesch, PE, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Peggy A. McCarthy, CFM, CFMJ, IFMA Fellow
Phyllis J. Meng, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Ken Owens, CFM, IFMA Fellow (deceased)
Rodney M. Stevens, CFM, AIA, IFMA Fellow
Kit Tuveson, CFM, IFMA Fellow (deceased)

Class of 2001

G. Philip Booker, CFM, IFMA Fellow
James C. Elledge, IFMA Fellow
Subodh A. Kumar, CFM, IFMA Fellow

Class of 2000

Mary D. Gauer, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Walther Moslener, CFM, IFMA Fellow (deceased)
Arvid B. Stonkus, IFMA Fellow
Carroll Thatcher, CFM, IFMA Fellow

Class of 1999

Gerald Davis, CFM, AIA, ASTM, IFMA Fellow (deceased)
Stormy Friday, IFMA Fellow
Gerald V. Hinchman, PE, CFM, IFMA Fellow

Class of 1998

William L. Gregory, PE, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Art Horton, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Nancy J. Sanquist, IFMA Fellow
Bernard J. van der Hoeven, Ph.D., IFMA Fellow

Class of 1997

Keith Alexander, IFMA Fellow
Peter S. Kimmel, IFMA Fellow
William R. Sims, CFM, IFMA Fellow

Class of 1996

Samuel E. Johnson, CFM, IFMA Fellow (deceased) 
Maury Keiser, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Sydney B. Welch, IFMA Fellow

Class of 1995

William W. Back, CFM, LEED® AP, IFMA Fellow
Arthur Hahn, CFM, IFMA Fellow (deceased)
Christine H. (Neldon) Tobin, CFM, CFMJ, IFMA Fellow

Class of 1994

Carol E. Farren, CFM, CMC, IFMA Fellow
Robert J. Gross, IFMA Fellow
George T. Trayer, IFMA Fellow (deceased)

Class of 1993

Gerald M. Hubbard, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Earnie C. Leake, MBA, CFM, IFMA Fellow
Erik C. Lund, IFMA Fellow (deceased)

Class of 1992

David L. Armstrong, IFMA Fellow
James W. Chambers, IFMA Fellow (deceased)
David G. Cotts, PE, CFM, IFMA Fellow (deceased)
Anne Fallucchi, IFMA Fellow (deceased)
George W. Graves, IFMA Fellow (deceased)
James M. Hickey, CFM, IFMA Fellow (deceased)
Edmond P. Rondeau, CFM, AIA, IFMA Fellow

IFMA Fellow Emeritus

The inaugural list of those named as IFMA Fellow Emeritus includes all deceased IFMA Fellows, as well as those who voluntarily submitted their intention to be designated with this esteemed title.

Keith Alexander, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Joanne M. Anderson, CFM, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
David L. Armstrong, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
William W. Back, Jr., LEED AP, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Gary P. Broersma*, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
James W. Chambers*, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Oscar K.C. Chan*, CFM, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Charles N. Claar*, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
David G. Cotts, P.E., CFM, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Gerald Davis*, CFM, AIA, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Ted Eedson, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
James C. Elledge, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Anne Fallucchi*, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Lanny Felder, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Bruce K. Forbes*, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Andy Fuhrman, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
George W. Graves*, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
John E. (Jack) Grinnalds, CFM, AIA, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Robert J. Gross, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Arthur P. Hahn*, CFM, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Patricia J. Harris*, CFM, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
James M. Hickey*, CFM, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Gerald M. Hubbard, CFM Retired, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Michael L. Hoots, P.E., IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Glin W. Jay, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Samuel E. Johnson*, CFM, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Maury Keiser, CFM, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Francis J. Kuhn, CFM, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Subodh A. Kumar, CFM, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Earnie C. Leake, CFM, MBA, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Erik C. Lund*, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Ira A. Marcus, CFM, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Jaan Meri, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Walther Moslener*, CFM, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Ken Owens*, CFM, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Collins Osayamwen*, CFM, FMP, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Richard D. Pierce*, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Nancy J Sanquist, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Philip Roberts, RIBA, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
John L. Stanley, CFM, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Carroll Thatcher, CFM, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Guy Thatcher, FMP, CMC, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
George T. Trayer*, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Kit A. Tuveson*, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Bernard J. Van Der Hoeven**, Ph.D., IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Frederick Weiss, CFM, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
Sydney B. Welch, IFMA Fellow Emeritus
David (Dave) Wilson, CFM, IFMA Fellow Emeritus


**In Absentia

2024 Class of IFMA Fellows

Kate North, IFMA Fellow has been a tour de force in the facility management and wider buildings industry, leading discussions on the evolving world of work, bringing a holistic view of the workplace to the forefront of FM terminology and strategy, and advocating for FM professionals as key organizational leaders. She has driven FM focus on an integrated, strategic approach to workplace management, empowering FM professionals to shape more dynamic, efficient and responsive work environments.

North has been a trailblazer within IFMA, creating, building and leading the Workplace Evolutionaries, IFMA’s largest global community of practice focused on workplace transformation. She developed the Workplace Strategy and Leadership certificate program to enable FMs to implement workplace experiences that support a happy, healthy workforce, while also driving business results. North served on IFMA’s Global Board of Directors, and she worked with other IFMA leaders and buildings industry organizations to strengthen a collaborative global facility management and workplace culture. North’s leadership will remain pivotal in shaping the future of FM, driving innovation and furthering resilience within the industry.

Joseph “Matt” Dawson, IFMA Fellow has been an IFMA member since 1990 and has enriched the association as a respected leader. He provided strategic guidance to the board of directors as 2004-05 chair, fostering a culture of continuous advancement throughout the association. With a vision for a globally attuned facility management practice, he built strong alliances with other FM organizations to advance industry knowledge and best practice sharing.

In his years serving on IFMA’s Global Board of Directors, Dawson cemented a legacy of professional integrity, collaboration, innovation and improvement, introducing balanced scorecard methodology to keep the board focused strategically, enabling the association to equitably serve all people in alignment with IFMA’s values, and developing relationships to extend IFMA’s presence and influence across Europe, China, Japan, Korea, South Africa and Brazil. He promoted alignment of industry trends globally and helped establish Global FM as a town square for FM member associations. A proven leader equipped to tackle the evolving challenges of the FM industry and seize opportunities for growth, Dawson’s expertise will be of great value to the next generation of IFMA leaders.

Wayne Whitzell, CFM, FMP, SFP, LEED AP, BEP, GBO, IFMA Fellow has had a positive impact on the association and its members through multifaceted support. He has mentored peers in pursuit of professional credentials, coached individuals up the corporate ladder, championed chapter/council partnerships, and advocated for councils to operate in alignment with IFMA organizational strategies.

Whitzell has developed and delivered a diverse body of educational and informational material, including award-winning articles and presentations, and higher education facility management curriculum development and instruction, including the Green Business Operations Certificate Program for Sacramento State University. He is a prolific content creator, awarded twice with IFMA’s Distinguished Author for Web-based/Social Media Content award. He was honored as IFMA’s 2018 Distinguished Member and 2015 Associate Member. In leadership roles with IFMA’s Corporate Facilities Council, including council president, he created two international outreach arms in Canada and Mexico to help FMs navigate their careers and connect them to IFMA’s ecosystem of local chapters and conferences. With a lifetime of dedication to engaging and enriching FMs, Whitzell will be an informative, future-focused advisor for both the profession and association.