In response to the urgent wildfire crisis in California and the growing global frequency of such events, IFMA has compiled essential resources to help facility managers prepare and respond effectively.
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Adopted April 1984as amended December 13, 1996.and as amended January 1, 2000.and as amended December 31, 2011.
The National Facility Management Association was founded in October 1980 at Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America, by a group of 40 professional facility managers. In 1982, the formation of a chapter in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, led to changing the name to the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) to reflect the international makeup, scope and membership of the association.
To associate facility managers and affiliated disciplines into an organized profession and to assist the members in acquiring knowledge and the recognition of the integrative influence of facilities on human behavior, productivity and organizational goals; and to advance the standards of facility management by fostering a professional code of ethics and standards of certification, thus increasing its value as an association to organizations and for the public good, we do hereby establish and ordain this Constitution of the International Facility Management Association.
Section 1.NameTo associate facility managers and affiliated disciplines into an organized profession and to assist the members in acquiring knowledge and the recognition of the integrative influence of facilities on human behavior, productivity and organizational goals; and to advance the standards of facility management by fostering a professional code of ethics and standards of certification, thus increasing its value as an association to organizations and for the public good, we do hereby establish and ordain this Constitution of the International Facility Management Association.
Section 1.IFMA exists to guide and develop the practice of facility management worldwide. IFMA advances the facility management profession through education, credentialing, government relations, professional development/leadership opportunities, research and standards development.
Section 1.The officers of the association shall be the Chair, First Vice Chair and Second Vice Chair. The Chair shall be the chief elected officer of the association and serve as Chair of both the Board of Directors and Executive Committee.
Section 1.The Executive Committee of the association shall consist of the officers of the association and the President and Chief Executive Officer (Ex-Officio).
Section 1.Authority and ResponsibilityThe governing body of the association shall be the Board of Directors.
Section 1.The House of Delegates shall be the representative body of the organization. Its powers and composition shall be general and subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. It shall meet at least annually.
Section 2.Annual MeetingThe association shall be required to hold a minimum of one annual business meeting and this meeting shall be held at such place and on such date(s) as determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 1.Association components may be permitted to be formed and chartered in accordance with the requirements stated in the association Bylaws and upon the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 1.AmendmentAn amendment must be proposed to and approved by the House of Delegates before submission of the amendment to all members qualified to vote. This Constitution may be amended by a ballot provided to all members qualified to vote. A simple majority of at least 5 percent of the qualified membership participating is required for approval of the amendment(s).
Section 1.The association may, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, engage in limited political activities including the use of staff time and administrative support. No association funds may be contributed directly to any candidate for public office.
Section 2.The association will monitor workplace issues, and, if deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors, may take positions in support of or in opposition to various legislation or regulatory issues.
Section 1.The association prohibits discrimination in membership selection, nomination for officers, appointment to committees, programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact IFMA’s Service Center of Excellence.
Section 1.The Board of Directors is authorized to number the articles and sections of this Constitution to correspond with any changes that may be approved.
Section 2.The Board of Directors has the authority to change or update terminology and titles within this Constitution given that such changes are not material to the spirit or intent of the Constitution.
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